Thursday, March 5, 2009


By Mark Crilley

We started Akiko: The Menace of Alia Rellapor Thursday (found it lying around the house) . Taran and I enjoyed volume 1. Lucy really likes Akiko (a little girl who is worthy of much admiration), but not so much the story (sometimes we all prefer the possibilities to the reality, don't we).

Taran says: )+?>( Which translated from Poog's language means -- 2 thumbs up. He enjoyed the characters of Poog and Gax (who doesn't enjoy Gax says his Mom). The book is really, really, really, really, really good (that might be too many "really"s says Taran). One of his favorite parts was Gax in the arena or possibly the Jaggasaur. "Anybody for ice cream?" asks Taran. "King Frop" he answers.

Lucy says: Doesn't really like it -- she doesn't care for the pirates!

What Kimba has to say: I enjoy Akiko's character -- it is nice to see a little girl with some spunk! Akiko is the "prince/knight" of this story (she is out to save the actual Prince) and I enjoy that (almost wrote a book about that possibility). The book itself is pretty sweet and doesn't rely upon violence to get the narrative across to the reader. I enjoy the interplay and riposte between characters and how they all, ultimately, rely upon Akiko to keep them on track (literally and metaphorically). The adventures are quite fun and I look forward to the rest of the series -- we'll be visiting the public libray soon for the other 2 volumes; Number one is now in our comic shortbox in the main room so we may read again at our leisure.

This comic would appeal (or so I think) to adventurous folk of most any age. Pirates, gladiator arenas, Lilliputians, space travel, and so much more. For those looking for non-violence, this is the way to go -- Lucy, though, did find the pirates a bit upsetting (they do look menacing).

We had quite a few fun conversations and discussion about space travel, gravity (and how it pushes and pulls on matter), planetary make up, ice cream flavors, cultural tastes in food, robotics, pirates, gladiators, Star Wars and far more thanks to this little book.

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