Another family fave made possible by a loan from John. Thank you John!
Taran says: "Touche'. Mouse Guards are small in size, but a big hit with me. One of my favorite comics -- kind of the best. Exciting + a mystery + kind of about history.
Lucy says: " Touche" as well (it is a fun word ;). She really enjoyed the comic and thinks the mice are neat.
Kimba says: I enjoyed the rich history and culture created by David Petersen. The characters are engaging and the story riveting. I originally thought this was going to be a bit like Redwall...I was mistaken. Petersen creates his own world and makes it fascinating -- I loved the bits of (Mouse Guard) history that pop up throughout. The relationships between the various members of the guard are intriguing as well -- reminiscent of my favorite stories in Arthurian fiction and The Things They Carried.
This story is not only beautifully written, but wonderfully illustrated. It's like looking through an illuminated book at times. I really cannot do justice to this one with my words.
I would recommend this comic to any and all. It takes place in a period roughly equivalent to our Middle Ages and the Guard defend Mousedom using swords, daggers, knives and axes as well as their wits. We also see several examples of the predator and prey relationship.
Thanks to Mouse Guard, we've had plenty of interesting discussions. Some topics have included: matriarchies, traitors, scent marking, illuminated manuscripts and printing, bee keeping, crabs and their food sources, medieval architecture, and animal camouflage - just to name a few.
I have to say, that we all adore this comic and are looking forward to the second issue of Winter 1153.